Making a Complaint

Making a Complaint

Our philosophy and working practice is based on equal opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice.

All residents have the right to be treated fairly and with respect and have the right to complain if they feel this is not happening. They also have the right to complain about any other aspect of the service they receive and staff will give advice and help to do this, if required.

However, residents do not have to discuss complaints with staff but can instead contact, by phone or by letter someone to act on their behalf.

A comprehensive policy guides staff and managers to ensure that all levels of complaints are taken seriously, fully investigated, handled quickly and sympathetically; and where necessary improvements made.

If a resident makes a complaint, this will always be treated seriously. It is not acceptable for a complaint to be given low priority on the basis that care staff do not consider the complaint to be important or justified. All complaints will be dealt with promptly and will be fully responded to within 28 days.

Information explaining how to make a complaint is readily available in the home, and is presented in a format which is accessible for the residents, in the service user’s guide. Each placing authority’s complaints system will be accessed by staff on admission. Should someone other than the resident wish to make a complaint then a copy of the home’s complaints policy can be made available upon request.

Other support agencies’ information is also made available within the home. In all cases the resident has the right to speak directly to their parent/carer or social worker (or duty social worker) or to an independent adult of their choice. Residents, their parents, staff and placing authorities each have the right to make a complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman (0300 061 0614). In addition if you have a concern about the home you can report this to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on 03000 616161. However, we would encourage any complaints or concerns to be addressed with Diagrama in the first instance.