Health and Safety

Health and Safety

Health and safety is an integral part of daily life within Cabrini House care home for adults with learning disabilities.

A stand-alone health and safety policy and procedure document is communicated to all who work at the home.

This helps to ensure that the health and safety of all residents, staff, visitors and members of the public are protected to the highest standards.

Health and safety issues are reviewed during all formal supervisions and staff meetings.

Activities both within the home and those that take place off site are risk assessed and all perceived risks managed and reduced to an acceptable level.

Regular health and safety inspections are completed by the Diagrama health and safety representative within the home against specific checklists. A health and safety tour of the home against a pre-determined checklist is undertaken on a weekly basis by the care co-ordinators while the home manager conducts this check on a monthly basis.

Reports of these inspections and audits are distributed to the head of Diagrama Healthcare Services and any identified actions for improvement are monitored until resolved.

The health and safety arrangements include the preparation of fire risk assessments and emergency evacuation plans in compliance with current fire safety legislation.

Fire-fighting equipment has been installed at strategic points and is regularly inspected and maintained by the house staff and external contractor.

Smoke alarms and fire-detection equipment have been installed and are tested regularly to ensure their continued service by in-house staff and an appropriate sub-contractor.

The home has an emergency evacuation procedure which is made available to everyone in the home and fire drills are carried out regularly and recorded.

The entire building is designated as no smoking for staff, visitors and residents, to both help prevent fire and encourage a healthy lifestyle.